Part time to full time offer letter template
Part-time to full-time offer letter template
When a company appoints an employee, the job type of every employee differs as per the company policy and pattern. Some employees have part-time job status; some have temporary or permanent type jobs. The job type also differs with the working schedule in the company. Some of them have shifted, and some have the general working hours. As per the many company policies according to the performance of the employees are promoted from one to another level of job format.
This information is provided by the emails and templates to the employees. The part-time to full-time offer letter template is one of great opportunity for the partially working employees of any company. These emails are generated by the higher level group of company and the points which are to be kept in mind while writing this mail which will be beneficial for the company and the employee as well:
Primarily the employee must be appreciated for the hard work and dedication they have shown while working in the company. Any of the special achievements which are achieved by the employee on behalf of the company should be mentioned.
The complete proud on the candidate must be reflected in the letter.
The part-time to full-time offer letter template should be motivational and inspirational so that employee should bring more zeal to work with extra dedication and happiness towards the company.
The letter should assure for future possibilities of more achievements for the employee and must be congratulated for the present achievement.
Dear (employee name),
I (your name) am (your post) is here to inform and congratulate you about one of the positive decision about your employment status. The company team has decided to extend the status of employment from part-time to full-time. The complete team is very much contented with your performance and dedication towards work. Hence we are here to provide you with the opportunity to work with our team as a full-time employee. The salary structure and other benefits will be surely provided you as per the company policy for the post of (job title).
Please find the attachments regarding revised salary structure and revised job description about your post offered. Please provide your confirmation as soon as possible.
We are looking forward to working with you ahead.
(Your name)
Hello (employee name),
We are very much pleased to announce you that the job structure of your profile is revised and we are offering to be a full-time employee as (job title and link for job description) in our company (company name). If you accept our offer, please find and study the contract related to your new post of (job title)
Position: (job title)
Salary structure: (revised salary structure must be described)
Working hours: (mention the duration)
Other documents related beneficial of the post are attached. Please find and study it well.
We are looking forward to your confirmation to reach new milestones.
Thanks and regards
(Your name)
Some other sample letters :
Dear [Employee Name],
Thank you for your hard work and dedication over the past [number of] months/years. We are pleased to offer you a promotion to full-time status, starting on [date]. Your new salary will be $[salary amount].
As a full-time employee, you will be eligible for benefits such as health insurance, dental insurance, and a 401k plan. You will also be able to take advantage of our paid vacation policy.
We are confident that you will continue to provide excellent service as a full-time employee. Thank you again for your contributions, and we look forward to seeing great things from you in the future.
Dear [Employee],
I am very pleased to offer you the position of full-time employee with our company. We have been impressed by your dedication and hard work as a part-time employee, and believe that you would be an excellent full-time employee. Your new salary will be [$X], and you will receive the usual benefits package and access to our 401k plan.
We look forward to seeing great things from you as a full-time employee. Thank you for your continued dedication to our company.