Search Profile Tool Online

Boolean Search tool to find professionals

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Search users from Dribbble
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Search developers from Github
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Search recruiters from Jobisite
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Get the search string

Boolean Search in Recruitment

Fast searching of resumes     Avoid wildcards and more accurate searches    

This service can help recruiters to use Google in a better way to find professionals. They can use these strings to speed up their recruitment. It is cost effective as it is totally free and users don't have to pay other job boards and services to find professional candidates. Its not only for sourcing candidates, but professionals can find and network with other professionals.


Finding resume/CVs search strings

(intitle:"curriculum vitae" OR inurl:vitae OR intitle:vitae OR intitle:resume) -about -jobs -inanchor:apply -inanchor:submit

(intitle:"resume for" OR intitle:"resume of") -inanchor:apply -inanchor:submit -inanchor:sample -intitle:how -intitle:write

Some common search strings

Search KeywordsDescription
allintext:Find pages containing all of th text
allinurl:Find pages having the given all text in the urls
inurl:Find pages having the given text in the urls
intitle:Find pages having the given text in the title of the page
site:Find pages from the given website
filetype:Find pages having the filetype, like docx, pdf
-Find pages and exclude the given words

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this boolean search tool free?

Yes, the tool is totally free and can be accessed from anywhere without any limitations.

Many small business recruiters rely on search engines to look for professionals. Also not all professionals have registered in job boards. So they can use these boolean searches to find professionals and connect with them. Please use these tools wisely and do not spam.

How is this boolean search tool better?

Recruiters can also see the work and activity of the professionals on these websites. This can give then initial indication of the skills of the professionals.

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