NOWHIRING:Helper Position PartTimeandFullTimepositionsavailable MustbeaTEAMPlayer,asyouwillbeworkingalongsideaForemanandother helperstocompletethecustomersrelocationneedsfromonehometoanother.. Mustbeabletoliftatleast50Lbs. Mustbeabletostand/walkforextendedperiodsoftime PaidTrainingisprovidedandnoexperienceisnecessary. Pleasepassthisinformationalongtoanyonewhoisinterested.MUSTBRINGAVALIDDRIVERSLICENSEandhavea ValidSocialSecurity# | Status Career
Katie :   

NOW HIRING: Helper Position
Part Time and Full Time positions available

Must be a TEAM Player, as you will be working alongside a Foreman and other helpers to complete the customers relocation needs from one home to another..
Must be able to lift at least 50 Lbs.
Must be able to stand / walk for extended periods of time
Paid Training is provided and no experience is necessary.

Please pass this information along to anyone who is interested. MUST BRING A VALID DRIVERS LICENSE and have a Valid Social Security #
